This Week Was Crazy!!!

Have you ever had one of those weeks? The office was literally my second home this week. I think that I spent as many hours there as I did at home during the past 4 days. 

Every year Dr. Carol takes our girls up to visit her family on Long Island. So my house gets a little quiet during that week and I always think that I will get more done than I actually accomplish... This week I think that there was too much going on to truly get much done. (That would explain why I am writing this on Thursday night and not earlier in the week...) Typically during this week, my diet goes to garbage. Out of convenience, I will grab quick bites to eat. This year was different though.

While I may not have checked everything off my To Do List that I wanted to. I did one thing that was EXTREMELY important. I took a day for myself. On Saturday, I went to the office for a workout. After I got a good sweat in, I hit Aldi on the way home to make sure that I had the food that I would need for the week. That stop set me up for success for the rest of the week. After running into the house with the groceries, I grabbed a quick bite to eat (that was prepared the night before) before running out the door to play 18 holes of golf! That was the first time that I had played in almost a year... It was long overdue. When I got home, I made myself a great meal, with plenty of leftovers to feed me for several meals (again setting me up for success as the week progressed).

Typically, on the week that Carol and the girls are out of town, I have a terrible diet. NOT THIS YEAR! I followed the advice of Steve Weatherholt, my friend and my nutrition coach. Planning my meals ahead of time allowed me to avoid having to grab something quick on the way home.

Time for a quick reveal... After one week of eating clean and following Coach Weatherholt's advice I lost almost 7 lbs... all while eating more food in a day than I ever would have before talking with him and NEVER feeling hungry during the day. You should really come out on Wednesday night to hear what he has to say. You owe it to yourself and your family!


Movement is my medicine,

Dr. William "Chip" Bleam

Dr. William "Chip" Bleam


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