As Labor Day weekend flew past children all over the state of Maryland prepared to get back to school. (Seriously, did anyone else notice how fast this summer went by?) While students were getting ready for school, parents everywhere prepared to get back to a "normal" life. As much as we hate to watch our children grow up, I think that we all crave the structure that comes with their return to school. The key, as a parent, is trying to figure out what to do with that new found time. Should I spend more time reading? Yes! Should I relax and enjoy a cup of coffee before running out the door to work? Absolutely! Should I exercise more? Without a doubt!

We need to prioritize what is the most important to us. Are you feeling overwhelmed? Then maybe you need to prioritize some down time. Have you been feeling a little sluggish and noticed that you have gained a little weight? Then maybe you need to create some time to exercise and set aside a little of the new found time to do some healthy food prep. Use this time of the year to focus on you for a second and determine which changes would have the biggest and best impact on your overall well-being. Then take the time to establish a new normal and take this opportunity to build new and productive habits.

If there is anything that we can help with along the way, please let us know.

Movement is my Medicine,

Dr. William "Chip" Bleam

Dr. William "Chip" Bleam


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