Have You Been Able To Keep Up With Your Resolution So Far? Want To Know The Secret? Make Them Easier!

Have you ever set a goal that was too lofty? Most of us do this at the beginning of every year. We always have resolutions that focus on wanting to exercise more, lose weight, or quit smoking, but rarely do we have a plan to meet that goal. In order to meet your goals you NEED to have a plan. You cannot expect to change your habits over night just because the calendar now says January 1.
So how should you go about setting appropriate goals? First things first, all goals must be SMART goals.

In my opinion, it is important to set smaller goals that will lead you to your longer term goals. The sense of accomplishment that you get after completing your first step towards that big goal can be invaluable.

Instead of “I’m going to lose weight,” you might want to start with I will eat vegetables with every meal. Do you see how this seemingly small step can propel you towards your final goal? Another daunting goal that we strive for every year is “I’m going to exercise for 60 minutes every day.” How many people do you think will go from not exercising at all to putting in an hour EVERY day? Instead, start with a goal like “I will the stairs whenever I can” or “I will park as far away from the door as I can when I go shopping.” Those little steps can move you towards your end goal!

Each year continue to set those very high goals, but remember that you need to make sure that you have a path to follow to reach those heights!

Move well,

Dr. William "Chip" Bleam

Dr. William "Chip" Bleam


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