Is Your Fish Oil Doing Its Job?
Do You Know What It Is Supposed To Do?

Do you know that you should be taking fish oil? A lot of people know that fish oil is good for you, but they don't really have any idea how it can help them! I have a tendency to take for granted how much the public knows about the supplements that they take. The reason that fish oil is so beneficial to us is because of the Omega-3 fatty acid that it contains, which acids tend to act as an anti-inflammatory. Those properties allow fish oil to help with quite a few health issues, including heart disease, anxiety/depression, ADHD, high cholesterol, inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis, diabetes, and cancer? Just to name a few!

Most people know that Omega-3's are readily available in  Salmon, Tuna, Herring, Anchovies, and Sardines to name a few. (BTW - the first 2 sound great, but I WILL NOT be eating any of the last 3!) These fish all have high counts of DHA and EPA, and it is suggested that we eat these fish 2-3 times per week. However, a lot of people do not know that farm-raised seafood is often full of other contaminents, so they should be avoided, if possible. Other sources of Omega-3's are Walnuts, Flaxseed, and Canola Oil. The catch with the Omega-3's in these sources is that they are primarily alpha-linolenic acid, and contain no DHA or EPA. I don't know about you but I certainly am not eating 2-3 servings of Salmon or Tuna per week, nor do I eat enough walnuts or flaxseed. So what should I do? I chose to supplement by omega-3's, by taking a fish oil supplement.

I think that we have established that fish oil is important. Did you know that the quality of the fish oil is critical? The quality of the pill (or oil) that you choose will directly impact how much benefit you see from taking the supplement. So choose wisely!

Here is a video from Dr. Weil regarding the importance of Fish Oil:

Fish Oil Facts - Omega-3 Fish Oil

Watch the Video
Would you like to know which Fish Oil we recommend and use?  Here is a link to check it out!

Movement is my Medicine,

Dr. William "Chip" Bleam

Dr. William "Chip" Bleam


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