To be totally honest, I kind of just want to post this picture and then...

(I couldn't resist the chance to include some Neil Degrasse Tyson!)

But I decided that I owed you guys a little more of an explanation. I came across this picture on Twitter earlier this week and I LOVE it! As a society, we are quick to make excuses to explain why we haven't accomplished everything that we want. We all have limitations that my prevent us from reaching some of our goals. For instance, I would love to be a professional basketball player... I was not blessed with the ideal genetics to accomplish that goal. However, the above list includes 10 things that can be used to help anyone reach their goals, that have absolutely nothing to do with genetics. It is a list of 10 things that are COMPLETELY in our control. Every morning when you wake up, you have to make a conscious decision to do those 10 things. If you can wake up for several days in a row, you will begin to form habits that may just change your life!

This is the time to start your exercise habit! Monday will mark the beginning of the next session at Freedom Strength!

Ask how you can learn how to add strength training to your exercise routines!

Get rid of the treadmill! Pick up a kettlebell!



Movement is my medicine,

Dr. William "Chip" Bleam

Dr. William "Chip" Bleam


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